Q: What is your dog’s name and breed?
A: Prince; AmStaff
Q: How old is your Dog?
A: Prince will be 2 in May
Q: How long have you and your dog been a pack member at Allsorts?
A: Close to 12 months (I think)
Q: What day of the week does your dog attend Allsorts?
A: Thursday
Q: What is your dogs favourite thing to do on the weekends?
A: He loves his walk, and loves playing with his human siblings Zara and Harper, and annoying his older brother Marley (13)
Q: What is your dogs favourite food or treat?
A: mmm anything the humans are eating
Q: Does your dog have any other pack members at home e.g. dogs, cats, chickens?
A: Yes, Marley his older brother who is 13
Q: What is the funniest thing your dog has got up too?
A: Well it is not really funny; although Prince loves to eat his toys (yep literally eat them) and anything in the garden like statues, or plants…. naughty puppy!
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